Exploring the Magical Journey of Moana
An Overview of Disney’s “Moana”
The 2016 Disney animated feature “Moana,” created by the talented John Musker and Ron Clements, introduces us to a bold and ambitious Polynesian princess, Moana, voiced by Auli’i Cravalho. Moana’s quest revolves around a thousand-year-old dispute stirred by the local Polynesian gods, which she decides to resolve, taking her on a journey across the ancient oceans. Much like other Disney characters, Moana yearns for more and eventually gains proficiency in sea navigation.
Moana’s journey is filled with extraordinary experiences, including the development of her unique superpowers. She discovers that she can communicate with the sea, which often morphs into a supportive water tentacle, echoing elements of “The Abyss.” Her adventure leads her to an imprisoned demigod, Maui, characterized by Dwayne Johnson. Maui, a bit of a trickster, eventually becomes a valuable ally and travel mate. They are joined by a walleyed chicken named Heihei, brought to life by the voice of Alan Tudyk.
The Journey of Moana and Maui
Most scenes in “Moana” feature Moana, Maui, and Heihei aboard a small boat, contemplating her mission and discussing the contrasts between humans and demigods. We occasionally catch glimpses of life back on Moana’s home island of Motunui, providing us with insights into the lives of its inhabitants. The supporting cast, as expected, is filled with delightful children, fanciful companions, and steadfast monarchs.
Also residing on Motunui is Pua, Moana’s pet pig and a quintessential “cute animal sidekick,” a trope often seen in Disney’s animated features. Pua, however, is left behind on Motunui when Moana embarks on her adventure.
The Mystery of Pua’s Absence
One might wonder why Pua was left behind. A stroll through any Disney-themed store highlights the fact that adorable animal sidekicks are Disney’s secret weapon. The company undoubtedly profits significantly from selling plush versions of characters like Abu, Sebastian, Mushu, Timon and Pumbaa, Gus and Jaq, Sven, or Pascal, the chameleon from “Tangled.” While Pua merchandise does exist, the charming piglet’s role in the movie is surprisingly minor.
The Return of Pua in “Moana 2”
Fortunately, the sequel, “Moana 2,” directed by David Derrick, Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller, rectifies this oversight. Pua becomes a constant presence in “Moana 2,” delighting fans of the original movie.
Moana’s journey is a captivating exploration of bravery, ambition, and self-discovery. While fans may have been disappointed by Pua’s minimal role in the original film, they can look forward to his increased presence in “Moana 2.” Disney’s animated features continue to charm audiences with their vibrant characters, compelling storylines, and memorable sidekicks.
Who are the directors of “Moana” and “Moana 2”?
“Moana” was directed by John Musker and Ron Clements, while “Moana 2” was directed by David Derrick, Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller.
Who voiced the character of Moana?
Moana was voiced by Auli’i Cravalho.
Who are the sidekicks in “Moana”?
The sidekicks in “Moana” are Maui, a demigod voiced by Dwayne Johnson, a walleyed chicken named Heihei voiced by Alan Tudyk, and Pua, Moana’s pet pig.
Why was Pua left behind in “Moana”?
There is no specific reason given in the movie for Pua’s minimal role, but “Moana 2” rectifies this by giving Pua a more significant role.
Credit: www.slashfilm.com