Superman & Lois Achieves a First in the History of Superman Adaptations


The CW

Before we begin, please note that this piece contains spoilers for “Superman & Lois.”


The concept of secret identities is a central element in superhero narratives. It fuels the suspense of anyone potentially being a hero, or the person behind the mask. However, not all superheroes maintain a secret identity. For instance, from the inception of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Tony Stark disclosed his identity to the world. Similarly, in the DC universe, Wonder Woman and Aquaman do not conceal their identities. Even Elongated Man revealed his true identity as soon as he acquired his powers.

However, for some superheroes like Batman, Spider-Man, and Superman, their secret identities are integral to their characters. Even when their identities are briefly exposed, they’re quickly concealed again. For example, “Spider-Man: No Way Home” centers around Peter Parker erasing the world’s knowledge of his secret identity, and when Superman disclosed his true identity as Clark Kent in the 2019 comics, it wasn’t long before everyone conveniently forgot.

In the Arrowverse, secret identities are a significant source of drama. Shows like “Arrow” and “The Flash” revolve around the consequences of the heroes’ deceit. This changed when Oliver Queen’s secret was exposed in “Arrow,” albeit with little impact on the show’s dynamics. However, in the final season of the last Arrowverse show, “Superman & Lois,” Superman does something unprecedented in live-action adaptations: he publicly announces his secret identity as Clark Kent.

Superman Announces He is Clark Kent

Clark Kent talking in an interview revelaing his identity in Superman & Lois

The CW

Just like other Arrowverse shows, “Superman & Lois” delves into the complexities of secret identities, the strain of maintaining them, and their impact on the heroes’ personal lives. The show primarily explores the emotional burden Clark Kent faces in keeping his powers hidden from his loved ones, the pressure from his parents to maintain the secret, and the negative impact on his relationships.

Tyler Hoechlin, although not in a high-budget film, delivers a stellar performance as Clark Kent in “Superman & Lois.” He embodies the endearing clumsiness that makes everyone fond of Clark Kent and overlook the fact that he is actually Superman. After all, who would believe that this affable guy could possibly be a superhero?

In the season 4 episode “A Regular Guy,” we are introduced to Superman’s friend, Jimmy Olsen. However, it’s clear that their budding friendship is hindered by Clark’s relentless lies to protect his secret identity. Despite the visible disappointment from Jimmy, Clark convinces Lois that he’s okay with it because he has become accustomed to it. Tyler Hoechlin uses Clark’s goofy exterior to mask a heartbroken man who has had to sacrifice his personal life for the greater good.

The Aftermath of Superman’s Identity Reveal

Jordan and Jonathan being surrounded by fans in Superman & Lois

The CW

“Superman & Lois” offers a unique, more human take on the Superman mythos. It’s not just about Superman’s family, but also about a pivotal moment that alters everything. While other writers have speculated about the world discovering that Clark Kent is Superman, the secret never remains exposed for long. However, the revelation towards the end of “Superman & Lois” signals a point of no return.

The show cleverly circumvents the main problem associated with Superman revealing his identity: the death of Clark Kent’s normal life. In “Superman & Lois,” the residents of Smallville gradually uncover the secret but choose to keep it to themselves out of respect for everything Superman and the Kent family have done for them. This shared secret brings the community together, even to the extent of driving Lex Luthor out of town for meddling with Clark and his family.

“Superman & Lois” – A Unique Take on the Superman Narrative

Lois looking up at Clark in Superman & Lois

The CW

Unlike other Superman adaptations that adhere to the traditional Superman paradigm, “Superman & Lois” consistently propels the character forward. From introducing Jonathan and Jordan in the first episode to killing Sam Lane, diagnosing Lois with breast cancer, introducing Superman’s half-brother, and finally, Superman revealing his identity as he becomes mortal, the show brings a fresh perspective to the character.

Indeed, the Man of Steel is losing his powers. In the first episode of the final season, Superman dies fighting Doomsday. Even after his resurrection, he doesn’t revert to normal but begins aging and gradually losing his powers. This forces Clark to confront a reality he never considered: growing old at a normal human pace. It rounds off this portrayal of the character, which has always emphasized Clark Kent the man over Superman the Kryptonian.

“Superman & Lois” has always been a show about family and legacy. And what better legacy than being the Man of Tomorrow, and having Clark pass on his cape to his two sons? Before James Gunn introduces a new Superman in 2025, it was “Superman & Lois” that offered the perfect Superman narrative that most accurately captured the character as depicted in the comics.


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