How Gene Roddenberry Prevented Denise Crosby from Landing a Cherished Star Trek Role


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Here’s a fascinating nugget of information from Larry Nemecek’s “The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion” sourcebook. The character Tasha Yar, from “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” began as a concept for a Latina character known as Lieutenant Macha Hernandez. Initially, Hernandez was the envisioned tactical officer for the Enterprise-D, drawing inspiration from the tough-as-nails character Vasquez (Jenette Goldstein) from James Cameron’s fresh-off-the-press film, “Aliens.” Goldstein was briefly considered for the role, but was swiftly dismissed when it emerged she wasn’t Latina. After continued development, the character morphed from Hernandez to Tanya, then to Natasha, and finally to Tasha Yar once casting began. The character’s role also evolved, from a tactical officer to a security chief.

Numerous actresses, including Rosalind Chao, Marina Sirtis, Julia Nickson, and “Take On Me” music video star Bunty Bailey, auditioned for the role of Tasha. Chao was initially a strong contender for the part, but was ultimately replaced by Hollywood’s rising star Denise Crosby, known for her work in “Eliminators.”

Interestingly enough, Crosby was already on the showrunners’ list as she had previously auditioned for, and was one of the finalists for, the Counselor Deanna Troi role, the Enterprise’s empathic psychiatrist. As avid Trekkies will tell you, Marina Sirtis, one of the hopefuls for the Tasha Yar role, ended up playing the British-accented Counselor Troi. In essence, Sirtis and Crosby switched roles.

This role swap was seemingly promoted by the show’s creator, Gene Roddenberry. The casting team sought actresses for both Yar and Troi simultaneously, ensuring that the two performers would not have a similar appearance. While Sirtis and Crosby seemed a good match opposite each other, Roddenberry believed they needed to exchange roles. This was corroborated by Crosby in a 2012 interview with

Role Swap Between Denise Crosby and Marina Sirtis in Star Trek

Tasha Yar on an exotic planet with a red sky on Star Trek: The Next Generation

The tale of the Crosby/Sirtis swap, instigated by Roddenberry, has been public knowledge since as far back as an oral history of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” published in EW in 2007. When questioned by the interviewer during a interview, Crosby confirmed the story, recalling her audition for Counselor Troi, and then being asked to read for Tasha Yar. She was quoted saying:

“To the best of my knowledge, that is indeed true. We were in a series of auditions, and at some point, my agent informed me, ‘They want you to consider this character now. They’re planning to switch you.’ We were still in the audition process. I believe we had to go in five different times, and around the third audition, we finally got to meet Gene Roddenberry. I’m sure Marina received the same call, but my agent informed me, ‘Gene Roddenberry is very fond of you, but he wants you to read this role now.’ The next time I went in, it was for Tasha.”

From this, it seems quite clear that Roddenberry did indeed request the role swap between Sirtis and Crosby. In the EW history piece, Crosby mentioned that Troi was initially envisaged as a “cool, Icelandic blonde. Almost Spock-like.” It’s worth noting that Sirtis had dark brown hair, providing a visual contrast to the blonde Crosby – a minor detail, but one that can matter to casting directors.

Ultimately, Crosby would leave the show in its first season. Star Trek fans may find it hard to imagine anyone else in the “Next Generation” roles, but a little imagination can create a world where Crosby plays a stern, Spock-like Counselor Troi, and Marina Sirtis portrays an assertive security chief. It was a world that almost came to be.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who originally auditioned for the role of Tasha Yar on Star Trek: The Next Generation?
A: A number of actresses, including Denise Crosby, Rosalind Chao, Marina Sirtis, Julia Nickson, and Bunty Bailey auditioned for the role of Tasha Yar.

Q: Who ended up playing the roles of Tasha Yar and Counselor Deanna Troi on Star Trek: The Next Generation?
A: Denise Crosby played the role of Tasha Yar, while Marina Sirtis played the role of Counselor Deanna Troi.

Q: Who was responsible for the role swap between Denise Crosby and Marina Sirtis?
A: Gene Roddenberry, the creator of the show, was reportedly behind the role swap between Denise Crosby and Marina Sirtis.

Q: Why did Denise Crosby leave Star Trek: The Next Generation in its first season?
A: The reasons for Denise Crosby’s departure from the show have never been explicitly stated, but it is believed she left due to dissatisfaction with the development of her character.


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