Football Manager 26 Takes Center Stage


Are you eager to learn about the latest developments in the Football Manager series? Dive into the details of Sega and Sports Interactive’s decision to scrap Football Manager 25 and focus on the upcoming release. Discover the reasons behind this unexpected move and what it means for fans of the popular sports franchise.

Delays and Cancellations

The decision to cancel Football Manager 25 comes after several delays that have plagued the development of the game. Anticipated as a significant leap forward for the series, FM25 faced setbacks that ultimately led to its cancellation. This move has taken many by surprise, especially considering the high expectations surrounding the game’s release.


Apologies and Refunds

Sports Interactive has issued a heartfelt apology to fans who had pre-ordered FM25, ensuring that they will receive automatic refunds. The studio acknowledges the disappointment this news may bring to dedicated fans who were eagerly awaiting the game’s debut. Despite the setbacks, the team remains committed to delivering a high-quality gaming experience in the future.

Future Plans and Updates

With the cancellation of FM25, Sports Interactive has reaffirmed its focus on the next installment in the series. The decision not to update FM24 with fresh player data was made to prioritize resources for the development of the upcoming release. Fans can expect further updates on the progress of the new game as the team works diligently to meet the standards expected by players.

Challenges and Decision-Making

Sports Interactive has been transparent about the challenges faced during the development process, which ultimately led to the cancellation of FM25. Despite making progress in various areas of the game, the team recognized that certain aspects, such as player experience and interface design, fell short of expectations. The decision to cancel the game was made in the best interest of delivering a polished and enjoyable gaming experience to fans.


As Sports Interactive regroups and focuses on the future of the Football Manager series, fans can look forward to an enhanced and improved gaming experience in the upcoming release. Stay tuned for more updates on the progress of the new game and get ready to embark on a new era of Football Manager.


Q: Why was Football Manager 25 cancelled?

A: The decision to cancel FM25 was due to various challenges faced during the development process, particularly in areas related to player experience and interface design.

Q: Will fans who pre-ordered FM25 receive refunds?

A: Yes, Sports Interactive has confirmed that fans who pre-ordered FM25 will receive automatic refunds for their purchase.


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