iOS 18 update enhances iPhone security for police unlocking


With the emergence of a new iOS 18 security feature causing iPhones to reboot after prolonged periods of inactivity, law enforcement agencies are facing challenges in accessing suspects’ devices, as reported by 404 Media.

404 Media highlighted concerns raised by police regarding the reboots, stating that iPhones that restart enter a more secure state known as “Before First Unlock” (BFU). The introduction of an “inactivity reboot” code in iOS 18.1 triggers iPhones to restart after being locked for four days, according to Chris Wade, the founder of Corellium, a mobile analysis company.


Upon restarting, both iOS and Android devices enter the BFU state, requiring users to input their passcodes or PINs to unlock their phones. This limits the accessibility of data for forensic experts, as indicated in a blog post from Dakota State University’s digital forensics lab.

Despite requests for comment from The Verge, Apple has not responded promptly. The company’s continuous efforts to enhance iPhone security have created friction with law enforcement agencies, prompting discussions about potential government regulations mandating encryption backdoors. Apple’s firm stance against creating backdoors has led law enforcement to explore alternative methods to access locked devices.

The Impact of iOS 18 Security Feature

The new iOS 18 security feature has significant implications for law enforcement agencies…

Challenges Faced by Forensic Experts

Forensic experts are encountering obstacles in extracting data from devices that have undergone the inactivity reboot…

Apple’s Stance on Device Security

Apple’s commitment to enhancing iPhone security has sparked debates…

Government Regulations and Encryption Backdoors

The ongoing discussion about government regulations and encryption backdoors…


In conclusion, the new iOS 18 security feature…


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