Megalopolis: Q&A with Adam Driver


Somewhere in the middle of the film, as Driver’s Cesar is speaking to camera, the screen briefly went blank. There was a confused smattering of applause from those who thought it was all over—if only we’d been so lucky—but then, with the lights still down, a man ran onto the stage in front of the cinema screen from the wings, holding a long microphone.

…Positioning himself on one side of the stage, and now lit by a spotlight, the man then faced Driver, now back on screen, and asked him a question, as if participating in some strange pandemic-era Zoom press conference. Driver answered, and the man then rushed off stage again. It was so odd, and felt so completely pointless, that I didn’t know how to respond.


The Unexpected Interruption

In the midst of this cinematic experience, a sudden and unexpected interruption occurred that left the audience bewildered. As Driver’s character, Cesar, stood before the camera, the screen abruptly went blank, prompting a confused reaction from the viewers. What followed was a bizarre encounter that seemed to blur the lines between reality and fiction.

A Stranger’s Intrusion

With the lights dimmed, a mysterious figure made their way onto the stage, wielding a long microphone. The audience’s attention shifted from the screen to this unexpected presence, unsure of what was unfolding before them. This stranger’s actions seemed to defy the conventional norms of a movie screening, creating an air of intrigue and uncertainty.

The Unconventional Q&A

As the spotlight illuminated the stage, the stranger positioned themselves opposite Driver’s character, engaging in what appeared to be a spontaneous question-and-answer session. The exchange between Cesar and this enigmatic figure resembled a surreal dialogue from a virtual press conference, adding a layer of complexity to the already bewildering situation.

Reflections on the Peculiar Encounter

The unorthodox nature of this interruption left a lasting impression on the audience, evoking a wide range of emotions and reactions. Whether it was a deliberate artistic choice or a spontaneous act of disruption, the encounter between Cesar and the mysterious stranger blurred the boundaries between fiction and reality, challenging the viewers’ perceptions of the film.


In the realm of cinema, unexpected moments like the one witnessed during this screening can provoke introspection and spark conversations about the nature of storytelling and audience engagement. While the purpose behind the stranger’s intrusion may remain a mystery, its impact on the viewers serves as a reminder of the unpredictable and captivating nature of the cinematic experience.


Q: What was the significance of the stranger’s intrusion during the film screening?

A: The stranger’s unexpected appearance added a layer of intrigue and ambiguity to the cinematic experience, blurring the lines between reality and fiction for the audience.

Q: How did the audience react to the peculiar encounter between Cesar and the mysterious stranger?

A: The audience responded with a mix of confusion, fascination, and uncertainty, as they grappled with the unconventional nature of the interaction unfolding before them.


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