Ultimate Path of Exile 2 Warrior Build Guide


When you jump into Path of Exile 2 when it launches, you may be curious about exactly how to build the Warrior class! It’s a cold melee fighter, but figuring out exactly how to build it can be tricky. In this article we wrote Path of Exile 2 warrior version this should lend a hand you get started as you progress through the game.

In this guide, we’ll cover the core identity of a build, the skills it uses, the best support gems, and the best passives for what we’re aiming for. We’ve also covered what you should be looking for when it comes to weapons and armor.


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Path of Exile 2 warrior version

This Warrior build focuses on impact and aftershock damage, which refers to the warrior mechanic where skills continue to radiate damage after the first utilize. This is good for both single target and AOE. Single target as you will have to face bosses/scarce monsters so you can easily max out the secondary damage. AOE for similar reasons, aftershocks can continuously hit groups of enemies, dealing decent damage.

The best warrior skills in Path of Exile 2

These are the skills we will be using in this build. You’ll notice that aftershocks are a theme here, as well as the skills that can activate them!

  • Earthquake – Hits the ground, leaving a jagged layer that slows you down. After some time, it explodes, dealing aftershock damage.
  • Rolling Slam – Forward strike that stuns enemies hit.
  • Shockwave Totem – A totem that repeats itself hits enemies around it with jagged earth, which you can hit to deal more damage.
  • Separate – Frontal area attack that deals damage to enemies hit. These enemies then emit a shockwave that hits surrounding enemies.
  • Volcanic fissure – Hit the ground to create volcanic cracks. If you hit again, these cracks will cause an aftershock around these cracks.
  • Supercharged Slam – A powerful punch that can be charged up, dealing weighty damage across the entire impact area. Will still causes an aftershock in the area hit after he uses it.

Best Path of Exile 2 Warrior Support Gems

What about support gems? Here’s what we chose for this Warrior aftershock compilation! (note that we have listed some Tier 2 support gems here for utilize later. If you want to fill the support slots in Act 1 and 2 with your skills, mix and match the recommended gems until then to get a momentary boost to your skills. Who knows! Maybe this will inspire you you to create another character).

  • Earthquake – 1: Shockwave shockwave. Creates an aftershock when you stun an enemy with this ability. 2: Concentrated effect. Reduces the range but increases the damage of area skills.
  • Rolling Slam – 1: Fist of War. Once used, it provides a momentary ancestral boost. 2: Heavy swing. Tier 2 support gem. Increases physical damage while increasing attack speed.
  • Shockwave Totem – 1: Magnified effect. Increases AOE range. 2: Defeat. Builds stun faster.
  • Separate – 1: Jagged earth. When used, it causes the ability to drop areas of jagged earth (you can hit them to get more aftershock slingshots). 2: Space. Tier 2 support gem. Adds skill cooldown, but increases its area of ​​effect.
  • Volcanic fissure – 1: Fire Infusion. Adds additional fire damage. 2: Fire Penetration. Tier 2 support gem. Hits bypass fire resistance.
  • Supercharged Slam – 1: Window of opportunity. Adds a perfect time window for more damage. 2: Brutality. Adds physical damage.

The best warrior passives in Path of Exile 2

This build focuses solely on aftershocks, so we’ll focus on passive skills that improve aftershock damage wherever we can. Additionally, Warriors are somewhat forced into hand-to-hand combat and therefore in danger, so we’ll also select some survivability passives to make sure you’re sufficiently tanky.

The main passive skills we recommend building towards are:

  • Brutal
  • Solid metal
  • Reverberant impact
  • Single goal
  • Shock waves
  • Aftershocks
  • Adamant
  • Breaking blows
  • A crushing verdict
  • Divide the Earth
  • Spike Pit

In this build, we have little utilize of two-handed weapons to combat elemental disease (apart from a bit of fire damage here and there), so it’s all about general damage bonuses, area buffs, and aftershock improvements. This way you should have plenty of damage coming and going.

The best Path of Exile 2 warrior weapons and armor

OK, so what should you equip your Warrior with? Fortunately, the Warrior is a single-strength class. This means that all you need to fight, in terms of your main stat, is Strength (unless you want to gain some Dexterity or Intellect in exchange for a support gem or two). This, plus your fixed melee position, means we’re looking for armor that simply provides… armor! No dodges or energy shields needed.

You already have some armored gear. What sub-statistics are you looking for? Well, anything that increases your strength is obviously great. Health and resilience are significant for any class, especially in the behind schedule game, but especially for the Warrior because you will be right in the face of enemies. The more resilient you are, the less you have to worry about withdrawal and treatment. Then you can start looking for sub-stats that will augment your damage a bit.

If you can hunt down weapons and armor using these stats, you should be good to go. It is significant not to hoard materials for upgrades. You may be tempted to avoid regular gear and weapons in favor of Blue and Yellow, but you never know if a cheeky upgrade might reveal a god roll on these otherwise junk loot. Please note that upgrade materials stored in your stash do not improve your character’s power.

This brings us to the end of our Path of Exile 2 Warrior vital guide. At this point you can choose to continue the build, focusing on the aftershock, or, hey, you can change it completely when you feel more confident. Part of the fun of Path of Exile is trying modern and fascinating versions of the game, so once you’ve had some fun with it, try other things.


What is the Warrior class in Path of Exile 2?

The Warrior class in Path of Exile 2 is a cold melee fighter that focuses on impact and aftershock damage.

What are some of the best skills for a Warrior build?

Some of the best skills for a Warrior build include Earthquake, Rolling Slam, Shockwave Totem, Separate, Volcanic fissure, and Supercharged Slam.

What support gems work well with a Warrior build?

Support gems such as Shockwave shockwave, Concentrated effect, Fist of War, Heavy swing, Magnified effect, and Fire Infusion work well with a Warrior build.

What passives should I focus on for a Warrior build in Path of Exile 2?

Passives like Brutal, Solid metal, Reverberant impact, Single goal, Shock waves, Aftershocks, Adamant, Breaking blows, A crushing verdict, Divide the Earth, and Spike Pit are recommended for a Warrior build.

What weapons and armor should a Warrior equip in Path of Exile 2?

Warriors should focus on strength-based weapons and armor that provide resilience and health, as well as bonuses to damage. Avoid hoarding upgrade materials and prioritize finding gear with the right sub-stats.

Credit: herosweb.com

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